How to manage asset tag on Microsoft Surface

Asset tagging is a process of tagging or labeling an asset so you can easily keep track of its location in an organization and to whom it belongs.

There are two ways to apply an asset tag to a Surface device. Physically, you must print an asset label with an asset number and stick it on the device. Digitally, Microsoft has provided an administrative tool administrators can use to assign an asset tag or number to Microsoft Surface devices.

This article will show you how to download the tool to assign an asset tag on supported Microsoft Surface devices.

Surface devices that support asset tagging

The asset tag feature is available on all devices supporting Surface UEFI and having UEFI firmware version or later. That includes:

How to download the Surface Asset Tag tool

The Surface Asset Tag tool is available for download from the Microsoft Download Center. You can use the following links to download:

To download from the Microsoft Download Center:

  1. Go to the Surface Tools for IT download page and click Download.Surface Tools for IT Download Page - Download
  2. Check on the “Surface Asset” check box and click the Next button to download the tool.Select Surface Asset Tag and click Next
  3. When it’s finished downloading, extract and copy it to a preferred location. In this case, I copy it to the “C:\Surface\Assets” folder.Asset Tag tool Directory

How to use the Surface Asset Tag tool

To start using the tool:

Right-click on the Start menu and select Windows PowerShell (Admin), Terminal (Admin), or Command Prompt (Admin).

Running PowerShell as Admin

Change the current directory to where you saved the tool. In this case, type “cd C:\Surface\Assets”

Changing directory to Surface Assets tool

1. Checking the current asset tag on a Microsoft Surface device

To retrieve the current asset tag assigned to your Surface device, use the following command:

.\AssetTag.exe -g

Here are the results you can expect to see:

Reading Asset Tag Command Line with no value

Reading Asset Tag Command Line with value

2. Assigning an asset tag to a Microsoft Surface device

To assign or set an asset tag to a Surface device, use the following command:

.\AssetTag.exe -s ASSET_TAG

Note According to Microsoft, the asset tag value must contain between 1 and 36 characters. Allowed characters include A-Z,a-z,0-9, period(.), and hyphen (-).

We will assign an asset tag to a Surface Laptop 3 as SM20220001 for demonstration.

.\AssetTag.exe -s SM20220001

Setting Asset Tag Command Line

Note After setting an asset tag, you must reboot your Surface to let your device update the asset tag.

3. Clearing asset tag from a Microsoft Surface device

To clear or remove an asset tag from a Surface device, use the following command:

.\AssetTag.exe -s

Clearing Asset Tag Command Line

How to check Asset Tag via Surface UEFI/BIOS

To check the asset tag number on a Surface device via Surface UEFI, use the following steps:

  1. Open Windows Settings
    First, you need to access Windows Settings by going to Start and opening the Settings app with the gear icon (or by using Win + I shortcut key).
  2. Go to Windows Updates > Advanced options.
    On the left pane of the settings, select “Windows Updates.” Then select “Advanced options” from the more options section.
    Windows 11: Settings > Windows Update > Advanced options
  3. Select the “Recovery” option
    Under the “Additional options,” and select “Recovery.”
    Windows 11: Settings > Recovery
  4. Restart your Surface Laptop in “Advanced Startup” mode.
    Under recovery options, click the “Restart now” button to restart your Surface Laptop in advanced startup mode, allowing you to change startup settings.
    Windows 11: Settings > Advanced startup
  5. Select “Troubleshoot”
    After restarting your Surface, you will see a blue screen with the following options. Select “Troubleshoot”.
    Windows 11 Recovery - Troubleshooting
  6. Select “Advanced options”.
    Windows 11 Recovery - Advanced Options
  7. Select “UEFI Firmware Settings”.
    Windows 11 Recovery - UEFI Firmware Settings
  8. Select “Restart” to restart your Surface directly into the UEFI Firmware Settings.
    Windows 11 Recovery - UEFI Restart
  1. Open Windows Settings
    First, you need to access Windows Settings by going to Start and clicking the Gear icon (or by using Win + I shortcut key).
  2. Go to Update & Security
    In Windows Settings, select “Update & Security“.
    Windows 10 Settings > Update & Security
  3. Go to Recovery
    On the left side of the settings, select Recovery.
    Windows 10 Settings > Update & Security > Recovery
  4. Restart your Surface in Advanced Startup
    Under the “Advanced startup” section, click “Restart now” to restart your Surface in an advanced startup mode.
    Windows 10 Settings > Update & Security > Recovery > Advanced Startup
  5. Select “Troubleshoot”
    After restarting your Surface, you will see a blue screen with the following options. Select “Troubleshooting”.
    Windows 11 Recovery - Troubleshoot
  6. Select “Advanced options”.
    Windows 10 Recovery - Advanced Options
  7. Select “UEFI Firmware Settings”.Windows 10 Recovery - UEFI Firmware Settings
  8. Select “Restart” to restart your Surface directly into the UEFI Firmware Settings.
    Windows 10 Recovery - UEFI Firmware Settings - Restart

When your Surface booted into the Surface UEFI interface, check the Asset Tag value under the PC information tab.

Asset Tag on Surface Laptop 3 UEFI


Check the following frequently asked questions that might answer questions you have.

Question 1

1. How do you extract the Surface Asset file?


Starting from Windows 7, Microsoft Windows natively supports the .zip file format. To extract a zip file on Windows 10/11:

  1. Right-click on the “Surface Asset” file and select “Extract All…”.
    Right-click and select Extract All...
  2. Browse to a directory where you want to store the extracted files, and click Extract.
    Browse and Extract
  3. When it finishes the extracting process, the extracted files will show in a new File Explorer window.
    Extracted Files Location
Question 2

2. Why am I getting a “UEFI version does not support asset tag” message?


As mentioned, the Surface Asset Tag tool only works on supported Surface devices with UEFI version or later. If you try to run the tool on a non-Surface machine, it will return the “UEFI version does not support asset tag” message.

UEFI version does not support asset tag message

Now you know how to manage the Surface asset tag number using the Surface Asset Tag tool. You also learned to boot into Surface UEFI to verify your assigned asset tag number. If you have any questions or problems with the steps detailed in this tutorial, please let me know in the comment below.