- Surface Laptop Go 2View
Improve device connectivity, audio system, and connectivity to external monitors.
- Surface Laptop Go 2View
Addresses a potential security vulnerability related to Intel® Security Advisories INTEL-SA-00923, INTEL-SA-00929 & INTEL-SA-00950, addresses pre-boot (PXE) and other security vulnerabilities, extends device security certificate authority, and more.
- Surface Laptop Go 2View
Enhance audio stability and performance and fix security vulnerability.
- Surface Laptop Go 2View
Improves audio stability and this update addresses a potential security vulnerability related to Intel® Security Advisory INTEL-SA-00783, addressing CVE-2022-36392 & CVE-2022-38102.
- Surface Laptop Go 2View
Enables support for new docking accessories, improves Surface Dock2 stability, and improves Wireless stability and addresses security vulnerability.
- Surface Laptop Go 2View
Improve system performance, stability, screen accuracy, and more.